Location : Changi Airport Jewel
Category : Hospitality


Our founders, Lee Wee, Ben and Mark grew up surrounded by food. Our big family gathers once a week for an authentic Nonya feast, a spread consisting of mouth-wateringly scrumptious cuisine. We would invite you there, surely, but with 20 family members already present (and growing), there’s hardly any room for guests!
So we devised a plan to share our delectable family flavours with the masses.

Our Solutions

Our goal here with Lee Wee was to make Nasi Lemak fashionable again, taking a (banana) leaf out of the book of Nonya design, the thematic elements of the restaurant were inspired by the rich betel nut reds and lush turquoise of classic Nonya cuisine. Add a dash of sleek black dividers and you got yourself a stylish yet very local gastronomic experience.